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First things first, we are so glad your child has found TCT! The impact theatre and arts have on a child is immeasurable. It helps children develop their creative thinking and problem-solving skills, it fosters self-confidence, enhances communication skills and sparks joy. Read more about the impact participation in theatre arts can have on children.
Here at TCT we want to provide a safe space for all to be their best selves and to grow these important life skills together as a team. If your child has never participated with us for a show, it can be a bit overwhelming. Here is a helpful outline of what to expect. You can always contact us with any additional questions you have.
TCT puts on three main shows a year. The audition date for each show is posted on our website and our subscribers receive an email about it. You can also follow our social accounts for updates!
We host a mock audition so that children can gain helpful feedback regarding their audition material and become familiar with the process before the actual audition the following weekend.
My child got into the show. Now what happens?
The first night of rehearsal is the Monday following the audition weekend. There is a mandatory parent meeting that night as well. At this meeting you will get the rehearsal schedule, meet all of the key people responsible for putting this show together and pay the cast fee.
The cast fee is $100 per cast member. This helps off-set some of the cost of production (costumes, theatre rental, copyright for material) and also includes a show t-shirt. If you have concerns about the cast fee, we do offer scholarship opportunities. Email to find out more about our tuition assistance.
Rehearsals for the show occur on Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays from 6-8:30 p.m. Not every role will be called to attend every rehearsal, so getting your rehearsal schedule is important!
The week of the show there will be another parent meeting at the Bama Theatre to go over how the week will go. Your child will be required to miss school the Wednesday-Friday of show week for our school show performances.
My child didn’t get into the show. Is there another way to participate with TCT?
Not all children will be cast in every show. This is a hard part of this process. However, TCT offers programming through the entire year. These programs focus on honing acting skills, learning more about the stage and getting the kids comfortable with performing. We also have summer camps and spring break camps. Subscribe to our email list to stay up to date on all we have to offer! You can also take a look under the "Get Involved" section of the website.
Sign up to hear from us about programming, show dates and more!
Tuscaloosa Children's Theatre